How to Find the Cost of Car Insurance

Even with so many tools available these days for drivers to find the best rates possible, too many people are still overpaying for their auto insurance. One big problem is that people do not have a clue what they should be paying in the first place. Having this type of information is a big part of what makes you an informed consumer.

In addition, having an idea of what you should be paying is part of what makes it possible to get the best prices possible. When you shop for anything, you should have an idea of what the cost should be. Without having this type of data how can you know which price is fair and which one is inflated? Prices vary greatly by state as there are different laws and driving factors.

Step by Step

Before getting your car insurance policy in order or even shopping for quotes, you need to start at the very beginning. You want to find the average rates for car insurance. The best way to know what you should except to pay is by comparing free quotes. Many sites will help you break down what you should expect to pay based on the different options for car insurance coverage.

This can be especially important to use when you are shopping for a new automobile. Before signing up for a new car payment, you should have an idea of how expensive the coverage is going to be. This can help you prevent get into too much car payment combined with too much car insurance premium costs.

Understanding Your Rates

When looking at the quotes, you get an idea of what exactly goes into determining the rates. Up until now though this may not have been information you really had to think about. So some of the information you include may be a surprise, and some of it will be good news while other parts are not so good. Other people play a big part into the price you pay.

Before getting any major surprises, it is time to take a look at some of the things that can go into determining your car insurance rates:

Your deductible -- The deductible is the amount of money you pay out of pocket in the event of a claim before your insurance covers the rest of the expenses. The higher the deductible, the lower your premiums. Be cautious that you don’t make the deductible so high that you won’t be able to afford it in the event of an accident or claim for another reason.

Your coverage -- Obviously the more extensive the coverage you get the more expensive your premium costs will be. It is always a good idea to get as much coverage as you can fit into your budget. However make sure what you are getting is worth it. The old beater you rarely use in your driveway probably is not worth getting the fullest coverage for.

Your driving record -- The fact that your driving record impacts the cost of your car insurance may not come as a surprise, but your actual driving record may be. Drivers tend to forget about tickets or minor accidents that can add up to cost you more on your insurance. The good news is that most minor blemishes stop affecting your premiums after three years. Be aware of your record, know when certain things should be coming off your record, and do your best to avoid adding anything to your record.

Your personal information -- Your age, gender, marital status and even your zip code are some of the personal details that can impact your life. In most cases once you reach the age of 25 your rates will drop as long as your driving record is clean and the same is true of getting married. Females usually pay less for coverage than men. And yes, even your zip code can impact your premium costs because it provides data such as amount of accidents for the area. Other personal details range from whether you are a smoker, which will increase your rates, to whether you are in the military, which can lower those rates. Do not forget your credit is also a factor that goes into the equation of determining your car insurance rates.

Where you park your car at night -- It’s true that many insurance providers even take into consideration where you park your car when it is not being driven. If you have the car protected in a garage you will have better rates then if you park it on the street where it is subject to the elements or theft or vandalism.

How you use the car -- If you drive a long distance for work, use your vehicle for work or just put a lot of miles on your car every year, there is a good chance you will pay higher premium rates. You can help prevent higher rates because of this by car pooling, taking public transportation or taking your bike instead of the car. Also keeping your car out of areas that are known for high crime, vandalism or even prone to more accidents can help lower your rates.

Another factor that sometimes surprises a driver, when determining car insurance rates, is gaps in coverage. Any gap can impact the premiums but a lapse of coverage for 30 days or more can cause serious harm. Keep this in mind and remember to have some type of coverage at all times. Even if you just take out short term, temporary car insurance while deciding on a long term policy, this will help prevent gaps in coverage.

You have the option to go cheap and just get the state minimum requirements or you can go with full coverage and a bunch of add-ons. Coverage names sometimes differ by state. For example, broad form insurance. In some states it is extremely cheap, where it covers a single driver for liability and damage to the other vehicle no matter what car you are driving. But another definition is that it provides coverage beyond your typical policy. You can learn about broad form here. The important part of getting the best price possible for your car insurance is being informed. Knowing this information can be instrumental to getting the premium rates you want.

Although it is a good idea to work with a representative from your potential carrier in order to have someone to answer your questions, you can now make important choices on your own. Having the knowledge about what goes into determining your rates means the insurance company no longer has the upper hand in the rates you will be paying.